It is important to have the necessary contacts if you need assistance. The list of Emergency links and contact numbers below you should keep on-hand.
- For storms and flood assistance call SES – 132 500
- For non-urgent police matters contact Policelink 131 444 or
- For power outage information go to
- Check the latest weather, warnings, rainfall, and river heights at the Bureau of Meteorology Queensland website
- Check road closures at QLD Traffic website or for phone service call 13 19 40
- Check disruptions to public transport at the Translink website
- To report a Council related urgent matter or emergency, call (07) 5475 7272 or 1300 007 272
- Floodmapping Sunshine Coast Council
- Call Triple Zero (000) in a medical emergency
- Non urgent health advice contact 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
- Queensland state school closures Emergency education facility closure
- Emergency Housing assistance call 1800 474 753 or visit Emergency Housing Assistance Request | Homes and housing | Queensland Government